First of all, you’re going to need to be jailbroken. If you’re not jailbroken, then don’t even bother reading on. Second, you need to download an app from Cydia called ” iFile”. Download and install. Once you have done that, then precede to the next step. Once you are in iFile go all the way back to this screen:

Then go to ” System”, then ” Library “, then ” Coreservices”, then ””, then ” English.Iproj, then ”Springboard.strings”.

Once there you shuld see a bunch of text. Scroll all the way to the bottom. The 3rd to the last one should read ” WRONG_PASSCODE = “Wrong Passcode” This is where you can changed the ” Wrong passcode part to whatever you want. Do so by pressing edit in the left hand corner. For example, you can put ” Wrong passcode idiot!”

        I hope this helped you! If it did, be sure to give it a like at the bottom of the page. If you would like to learn how to do more tweaks like these then come over to my YouTube channel where I plan to make more videos demonstrating different and simillar tweaks. Here is my YouTube:
If you would like to learn how to enable the iPhone’s ” Messages ” app on your iPod touch then follow the link to this video also made by me.
If you found following this with words was too difficult, I’ll make a video on it later.

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